Brandon Plant
I become a big fan of your game bags. The medium sized game bags performed flawlessly. They cooled and protected my elk meat far better than my old canvas bags. In fact they went over so well that I have order a Carnivore II bag set as a gift for a friend who helped with my hunt. Attached is a picture of the Elk I mentioned. Elk Green Scored 391 2/8th. I can tell how passionate you are about your product and how important good customer service it to you. You will have a customer for life.
Larry - New Mexico
We love our Caribou game bags. These bags are super light weight and sturdy.
We’ve used them three times in the year that we’ve had them for California Blacktail, New Mexico Mule deer and Utah Mountain goat. Our bags have washed up so easily and are still looking like they are new
Troy Finley - Colorado
After bagging and quartering my elk I headed back to camp to hang game bags on the meat pole, just as we finished I tried to pull the ATV out from under the meat pole, the rope holding the pole up in the tree broke and all the quarters hit the ground and ATV. After pulling the ATV away I was surprised to find none of the bags had torn. I have known of the Caribou Gear game bags for years and have been hesitant in making a change but after using the Caribou Gear game bags I can say I'm truly convinced after seeing the performance durability but most importantly the game bags breathability, these bags are well made, and well worth the investment in my game meat care, I will be using them over and over again.
Steve Lucero - Colorado
Last hour of the last day of the season! I couldn't be happier with the lightweight game bags, with miles worth of hiking out of the high country, with two full loads and with the last load coming out well after sun set, the bags were easy to find with the aid of our surefire flash lights we could see the game bags from over two hundred yards away! I was very confident in the strength and durability, I highly recommend the game bags.
Tommy & Danny Clum - Colorado
We carried our game bags in our backpacks every day, some days we hunted many miles from camp, so being able to stay light and reduce space was a big deal! They cleaned up fantastic as well, just threw them in the wash and they were as good as new! Your game bags turned out to be the best all around game bag that I have ever used, I will never use another game bag. Great Job! Tommy and Danny from; Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear
Roger & Jennie Boyce - Minnesota
”Roger" I'm so glad that we came across the game bags because I plan on bear hunting the boundary waters wilderness area where we only have access by canoe or on foot and due to the warmer weather during the hunting season the bags would be good in this remote location, we are always concerned with not only bear, the bold wolves in the area, but weight and strength is of a great concern, a quality game bag is definitly required, your game bags will suit such a hunt.
Keith Douglas - Colorado
The Bags worked great! While it wasn't a big buck, it was a fun hunt! The meat is in the freezer! I was able to draw an early mule deer tag this year. With temperatures in the eighties and the flies in full force, I was able to hunt with confidence knowing I had my Caribou Gear deer kit in my pack. I had my entire deer safely enclosed in my Ultra Light Big Game Bags before the flies even knew what happened! I like to tie two bags together and throw two over my shoulder for each trip. This way a muley only takes two trips to pack out-without even carrying a pack frame all day! Time was on my side during this warm weather hunt. Thanks Caribou Gear!
Brian Soliday - Colorado
Here is a photo of my elk quartered/boned out and in Caribou Gear's Big Game Bags. I carried Caribou Gear's Big Game Bags for all 17 days of my Colorado DIY archery elk hunt. Carrying heavy canvas bags would have weighed me down, and taken up every inch of space in my day pack. I ended up using all 8 bags of my Medium Pack set, which allowed me to put specific cuts of meat (i.e. neck, roast) into their own bags. Even though the bags were completely blood soaked, they cleaned up easily in one washing. Why anyone would purchase any other bag is beyond me!
Isaac Aleman - Utah
Utah-Public Lands, Nov 11, 2010 Isaac Aleman Of Easton
"I wanted to thank you for making the best game bags on the market" On a quick solo morning hunt I spotted this buck with some doe's on a ridge I worked my way in on him for a clean shot. This buck is a 3x3, 31-1/2 wide, 20" G2's, with 18 " of mass and 26" tall from base of skull.
Jim Leonard
I cannot believe how easy they are to clean and they look brand new with no effort. Everybody that has seen me use these bags have been very impressed. Thanks for your great product. The thing I like best is how lightweight these are, like anything else it’s no good if you don’t have it with you.
Jerry Herod - Alaska
Your bags are the best I've ever used. I used to use the canvas and Alaska game bags, but the washing was hard, they retained odors, and the cheesecloth bags tore like a wet paper sack. Your bags are tough enough to hang moose quarters and the bloodstains come out very easy in the wash. I'll never use cotton game bags every again. Your bags also breathe so well, I use them as laundry bags to put my wet packs and other gear in the dryer!
Evan Williams Hoyt Archery - Utah
After 11 days of hunting the backcountry I finally cut a tag on the buck I had been hunting since the season opener. I gross scored him at 177". The Carnivore pack is amazing!! Lightweight and the most packable game bag set I have ever used. I fit an entire deer boned out in one bag plus an additional bag for the head and cape. Almost 100 lbs worth of meat in one bag. All you need to do is use a Big Game Bag once and you'll never go back to using another bag again. Nothings getting to your meat. The bags are PERFECT!!!! I washed them w/o bleach and they look perfect and have no odor to them. They look as clean as when they came out of the carnivore pack.
Kurt Geist, Bill- Colorado
I wasn't going to take any chances! This was my second archery sheep tag, and it took me 14 years to finally put one on the ground. I wasn't going to take any chances on ruining the meat, so the Caribou Gear bags were a natural choice. When quartering any game out, it's so convenient to just slip the bags right over the quarter before it has a chance to touch the ground. Drop it in your pack, and away you go! My Caribou Gear Game Bags are already washed, and stowed in my pack for the next harvest.
Thomas Ferguson, Wasilla Alaska
I Consider them Gear!
Excellent game bags! I like the smallest size, The Carnivore for sheep. They are strong, light, and reusable. First time I've actually had a relationship with my game bags...I consider them Gear! I've used them for other Alaska game, with excellent results. Good job guys!
Clint Crookshanks - Castle Rock RMEF
I am very impressed by the quality of the bags. I was sure that the blood stains were going to be permanent but one time in the washer and they were clean! Awesome! Here is a photo of your bags at work on my archery elk hunt this year. They Are Great!
Don Moden - Colorado
This is my second year using your game bags and still loving them. I am using the new saw as well, awesome!
Dennis Howell - Arizona
I have used my fair share of other bags. I have used the bags for the last 3 years and they wash up like new every time. They are amazing and one tough quality product.